Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Part 1
Asleep was he near a bin,
People around, running to stand under a tin
As rain was intensifying; droplets were prickly as pin
How lethargic and torpid? Why he lies still, not saving his skin?
Lying under his tattered and filthy shawl, unaffected by bin's stink
From holes in the shawl evident was his eyes' blink
"Liquor" – in unison many minds' cling
At the time when drain channels started brimming
Evident under his shawl was his shrinking
Chaotic state might have disturbed him or shawl might have started dripping
Whatever would be the reason, the wise men were only speculating
While speculations could have become assertion, we saw the giant rising
Throwing his soggy shawl in air, Oh! He ran naked and shouting
Looked as if some dormant volcano erupting
Some men and women laughed, while some ran gasping
Madman, madman said some youth standing
Some people nodded their heads in confirmation
This was his proper appellation
Because attire in which he was, left no suspicion
Rain stopped but soon in the street grew an unusual agitation
Some youth crowded around him that caused him irritation
Roared he, in the circle of wise men, attacked in aggression
All were ready with impious preparation
Stones, sticks, punch and kicks, he received as fierce retaliation
He fell on the road; bleeding at culmination; crowded by sane civilization
Melancholy and misfortune was his face's lone reflection
Through the street, he moved with a strange determination
Speaking to himself or sometimes roaring his own proclamation
In the world where sanity prevails, suffers from social separation
Some named him a wanderer while some named lunatic
As he moves devoid of materialistic possession
Some wise men speculated the state as devilish possession
While for some it was, wrath of gods that demolished his true identification
For some, it seems like a ceaseless obsession
Why is he so? Remains everybody's inquisition
Part 2
The wanderer goes on, cherishing his freedom; celebrating solitude
Shuns the beaten track of men, moves aloof and alone in the world rotund
Where people wear masks of self
In the world where hypocrisy and hatred dwells
Original self for many purposes has to be shelved
They wear a plastic smile
Hide the corruption imbibed in the heart for a while
For it may lead to a denial
With selfish intentions, they talk to seek approval
Innocence and selfishness seems to them comical
These do not affect their senses so rational
So they call him eccentric and irrational
They call him mad man
Devoid of identity, instead seems to be a wise man
For he knows nature's essential
Selfish corrodes the inner self,
Wounds due to corrosion would not heal, will remain perennial
He rebels against the veil of illusion
Hates this world full of pretensions
People lie to themselves
Still take pride, telling their identification
The rebel wanderer questions them
But they sneak past the veil in prevention
They call him mad
Wise he is, left the selfish ways where the world treads
Where hypocrisy, hatred, ego is widespread
Alone he moves, in the world where people are born dead
Denying the voices of their souls' they still remain glad?
The MADMAN as he's called refuses what rational men said
Mask less he moves on, unclad (mask of self identity and ego)
Based on his intuitions he remains free and aloof
Solitary and freedom are the two implications
Breathes the madman in spiritual exaltation
(november 22 2010)

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